Keynote Speech

Keynote 2 【Inclusion: Driving Change in Fine Arts Museum】

Access Services and Programs Inclusion, Outreach, and Engagement Evaluation or Research
November 5, 2019 (Tuesday) 15:50—17:00 (70 minutes)
Room 1001


Enriching sensory experience in the museum is one of key concepts that defined the transformation of the museum and its engagement with its audience in the 20th and 21st centuries. The changes in the image, role, and functions of the museum in the post-informational society are mainly connected with the development of openness and inclusion, as well with the shift from the concept of “looking and thinking” to the concept of “feeling and participating”. Keynote speech deals with inclusive programs of Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia and informs about the development of #AccessibleMuseum project.



Ms. Evgeniya Kiseleva

  • Curator of Inclusive Programs and Head of Access and Inclusion Department of the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Evgeniya Kiseleva – Curator of Inclusive Programs and Head of Access and Inclusion Department of the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russian Federation. Evgeniya Kiseleva established the Accessible Museum Project at Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in 2016. She serves as curator of the Inclusive Festival as well as mover the Summer School of Inclusive Practices. Besides her publications Kiseleva lectures regularly at international conferences. She holds a master's degree in Art History and Cultural Studies. In her thesis in Art History she focuses on multisensory art in museums’ expositions.


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