Ms. Joy Chih-Ning Hsin


  • Chief of Education and Extension Division, National Museum of History


Dr. Joy Chih-Ning Hsin is currently the Chief of Education and Extension Division at the National Museum of History, Taiwan. She is also the board member of ICOM MPR and Chinese Association of Museums, and teaches postgraduate at several universities for Museum Studies. She got her master degrees in Chinese art history and museum studies in Taipei and UK respectively and a PhD of management. Joy is a co-author and the chief editor of Museum Branding: Redefining Museums for the 21st Century, selected papers from the ICOM MPR 2014 Conference (ISBN 978-986-91506-1-3) published by Chinese Association of Museums in 2015. Her practical experiences and academic interests have involved museum management, communications and marketing, and museum education.

Professional : Museum

Nationality / Region : Taiwan