Keynote Speech

Keynote 1 【Enlightening Perspective on Cultural Access】

Staff Training
November 5, 2019 (Tuesday) 09:20—10:40 (80 minutes)
Room 1001


Enlightening Perspective on Cultural Access: A Future of Full Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities



Ms. Betty Siegel

  • Director, VSA and Accessibility The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts

Ms. Betty Siegel specializes in creating cultural experiences that are inclusive of people with disabilities of all ages. As the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Director of VSA and Accessibility, she oversees international disability, education, arts and cultural programs including: 1) an annual Arts and Special Education conference, 2) programs for young and emerging artists with disabilities, 3) the Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability (LEAD) conference addressing access to cultural experiences. She is a respected speaker on access as a civil right, compliance, and accessibility to cultural programs and venues. Ms. Siegel obtained her JD from the Columbus School of Law in 2009.


2019-11-29 Ms. 王


2019-11-29 Ms. 趙

學到文化近用與共融的why, how, what &who 看到了很多很棒的案例,得到可以應用到工作的啟發

2019-11-29 Mr. 李


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